Friday, October 26, 2012
A poll of 379 online and offline merchants conducted jointly by SignatureLink Inc. and in August and September 2012 about current anti-fraud efforts revealed most merchants are not only aware of fraud, but a majority are already addressing fraud through verification technologies. To view complete results of the SecureBuy 2012 CNP Fraud Study visit .
An ABI Research report titled Mobile Payments, NFC, and Contactless Convergence predicts near field communication (NFC) mobile payments will rise from $4 billion this year to $191 billion in 2017. The report offers detailed coverage of market convergence between payment types, identifies market beneficiaries, and analyzes current trends, drivers and inhibitors across a host of potential markets that include ticketing, retail and loyalty, among others.
A RIS Retail Solutions Brief: POS Metamorphosis reflects on the radical changes occurring in POS technology and how today's systems must interact with a variety of consumer mobile devices. The brief also discusses how mobility, new payment technologies and omni-channel growth are redefining the POS and offers useful tips for improving mobile payment security.
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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