Wednesday, March 6, 2013
In a report titled U.S. EMV Timeline Beyond the Road Maps: How Long Will Conversion Really Take?, Mercator Advisory Group stated,"[I]n theory, the road maps should serve as a reasonable expectation for when the U.S. will fully adopt EMV, but judging by past experience, that likely won't be the case."
Report highlights include:
"The road maps laid out by the networks intend to convert the U.S. payments ecosystem to EMV by 2015, four years after the first road map was developed," stated Dave Kaminsky, Senior Analyst, Mercator Advisory Group Emerging Technologies Advisory Service, and the author of the report. "Judging by the experience of other countries in trying to implement EMV, as well as the experience of the networks' previous attempts to influence changes among U.S. merchants, that time frame likely will not be met."
To more accurately devise a U.S. EMV migration timeline, the report examines previous EMV road maps implemented in other regions, as well as prior road maps deployed in the United States for other payment shifts.
For more information about the 24-page report, visit .
Editor's Note:
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