Tuesday, July 31, 2007
"Our Web traffic has been growing steadily over the last few years, but we knew 2007 would be strong when we saw 3.7 million hits in January," said Kate Gillespie, General Manager and Chief Operating Officer.
"We are expecting traffic to increase even more as a result of the recent launch of our revamped site. We have added new functionality, making GS Online a more robust resource for merchant level salespeople," she added.
Enhanced navigation, design and content, including a more powerful search engine, were among the upgrades.
The most popular feature of GS Online continues to be the MLS Forum, a secure networking space for sales professionals in the retail financial services industry. About 82% of the site's visitors use the Forum every day, a recent survey revealed.
GS Online was recognized this year with an Award for Publication Excellence (APEX) in the Web & Intranet Site Content & Writing category. In 2006, the site received an APEX Grand Award, the highest honor.
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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