Friday, January 12, 2018
The ETA devised the program, which is supported by ETA member Discover Financial Services, to help young professionals in the payments industry grow, connect with a class of scholars and meet respected leaders from influential companies. The program's goal is to encourage leadership within the organization itself, as well as the industry at large.
"We are proud to support the success of the payments technology industry's next generation of leaders," said ETA CEO Jason Oxman. "By recognizing and investing in these diverse and talented young professionals at ETA member companies, we believe the entire payments ecosystem stands to gain." The ETA stated the 2018 YPP scholars, who represent finance, payments, and technology enterprises from across ETA's membership, will be matched with industry mentors for the duration of the program. The 2018 scholars include:
As part of the program, YPP Scholars will receive complimentary registration, lodging and travel registration to TRANSACT, as well as complimentary registration to ETA's Strategic Leadership Forum, TRANSACT Tech Events and for the ETA CPP Certification exam, the ETA noted.
In addition, the ETA is launching a podcast Jan. 17, 2018. Twice a month, Oxman will be joined by the association's Vice President of Industry Affairs, Amy Zirkle, and Seneior Vice President of Government Affairs, Scott Talbott to discuss "the people, places and things that make our industry creative and cutting-edge," the ETA stated. For more information and to listen to Oxman introduce the podcast, visit .
Editor's Note:
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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