Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Justin Griggs, senior vice president of product strategy and commercialization for TSYS Issuer Solutions, said remote transactions involving fake identities and account takeovers are a growing concern for merchants, issuers and regulators. Issuers that pass through synthetic identities incur direct losses in the form of chargebacks and other unanticipated consequences, he stated.
Noting that the TSYS platform combines machine learning with its own curated insights to help financial institutions authenticate remote consumer and commercial interactions, Griggs said, “TSYS offers products and services that leverage where we sit in the transaction flow and provide real-time, informed opinions about financial transactions, remote account originations, customer profile updates, password change requests.”
Comparing fraud to a waterbed, Griggs stated that Europe reduced ecommerce fraud with chip & PIN but “push down on one area, and fraud bubbles up elsewhere in the ecosystem.” The platform’s flexible architecture enables it to adapt to changing authentication trends, he noted. “TSYS and partners fight fake IDs by deploying a platform with a configurable set of rules,” he added. “We never intended to be a biometric vault, because we want to keep pace with biometrics a month from now while enabling users to plug in the next cool authentication method.”
TSYS pointed out that four partners helped TSYS develop the platform in the following ways:
TSYS will continue to deploy authentication solutions to help payment card issuers defend against all forms of authentication fraud, Griggs noted. “Authentication plays a crucial part across the entire payments chain,” he said. “Every action that a payment card issuer takes, from an account origination decision to an authorized transaction, is a potential failure point where a system could get compromised.”
For more information about the TSYS Authentication Platform, visit www.tsys.com/authentication-platform . To hear more about this from Justin Griggs, visit youtu.be/xaprD7Gq_NA .
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