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Monday, July 25, 2022

Study calls data management the next tech frontier

Cinchy, a technology service provider specializing in data management, is challenging IT professionals to rethink traditional approaches to data management. The company's study, The Rise of Dataware: An Integration-Minimizing Approach to Data, released July 21, 2022, highlights an emerging trend that replaces legacy data integration with data sharing between data and applications.

Conducted by Eckerson Group, a consulting and research firm, the study illustrates how leading organizations can decouple data from software to create autonomous data. This approach, called "dataware," provides more options and flexibility in data management than data warehouses and data lakes, noted Dan DeMers, founder and CEO at Cinchy.

"Over the years, organizations have become entirely application-centric—there's an app for everything and a database for every app," DeMers said. "Dataware redraws the boundaries so that when we think of the overall data architecture, we're able to take a fresh look at how apps manage the data, and reverse the equation. This is the best and fastest path to building a data-centric culture."

Solving data challenges

A Dec. 6, 2021, blog post in the ECM Consultant, "11 Data Management Challenges and Solutions," cited the following issues facing IT teams:

  • Sheer volume of data
  • Multiple data storages
  • Data quality
  • Lack of processes and systems
  • Data integration
  • Lack of skilled resources

  • Data governance
  • Data security
  • Data automation
  • Data analysis
  • Going from unstructured to structured data

"Data management challenges can affect a host of concerns," ECM consultants wrote. "Poor risk management decisions, data loss, data breaches, illegal access, data silos, noncompliance with legislation, an unregulated environment, limited number of resources, and so on are examples of these."

Productizing data management

"Dataware presents a fresh vision for the relationship between data and code. In this architectural approach, applications run on a shared data repository rather than individual dedicated databases," Cinchy/Eckerson researchers wrote. "This eliminates the need for data integration and prevents data duplication."

Karanjot Jaswal, chief technology officer at Cinchy, described the Cinchy Dataware Platform as a full technology suite with numerous capabilities, including data persistence-as-a-service; data linking; universal data access controls; data collaboration log; automated data management; domain-centric data governance; active metadata; and no-code solutions delivery. He noted that all of these capabilities are housed within a single data management architecture and operational data fabric with bi-directional connectors.

"The Cinchy Dataware Platform stands apart from other data management technologies, such as data warehouses, data lakes and data virtualization, because it eliminates new data silos and brings together operational data," Jaswal said. "And the platform enables organizations to bring together all the data within their organization, as well as link with outside sources, to deliver unparalleled insights with a 360-degree view of everything they need to run their business, deliver new solutions quicker, and incorporate real-time data into their payment solutions."

From product to movement

DeMers, whose dataware solution was reviewed in a new product story on April 11, 2022, in The Green Sheet, issue 22:04:01, called dataware the next tech revolution, following disruptions in hardware and software sectors. Referencing Cinchy/Eckerson researchers, he said software liberated form from function, enabling hardware to perform multiple tasks, and dataware liberates data from code.

DeMers further noted that dataware offers multiple benefits, from facilitating real-time data editing to creating semantic consistency to synchronize human and machine analysis. In addition, he stated, dataware enables users to manage datasets within domain-centric "data products" and enforce access controls by giving editorial privileges to specific data owners.

The ability to control data can empower users in every jurisdiction while making it easier and simpler to enforce access and privacy policies, which eliminates potential confusion over the real values of particular pieces of data, DeMers added.

A downloadable copy of the Cinchy/Eckerson white paper is available at cinchy.com/learn/resources/white-papers/rise-of-dataware .

For additional information, an on-demand webinar, titled 'Battle of the Modern Data Architectures,' is available at cinchy.com/learn/resources/webinars/eckerson-webinar-series-part-i . end of article

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