Tuesday, May 14, 2024
The MWAA was founded on the belief that it is important to educate payment professionals, such as ISOs, MSPs and financial institutions, with the constantly changing information our industry dictates, the association noted. A nonprofit, no-membership independent forum, the MWAA's stated mission is "to provide a regional opportunity for training, education and networking in the Midwest acquiring community. We provide a forum for the discussion of issues related to the payments industry."
"We are committed to bringing you this information by involving all aspects of our community," the association said, emphasizing that it welcomes feedback and input.
Registration is open now, and there's still some space available for sponsors, exhibitors and speakers. To register, visit midwestacquirers.org/register
Regarding unsanctioned, third-party events, the MWAA said it "appreciates your participation and promotion of our conference. To further support our efforts, it is expressly prohibited to schedule, hold, or sponsor meetings, gatherings, parties, or events, whether offsite or onsite, during any scheduled or sanctioned MWAA events, sessions, or exhibit hall times identified on the published MWAA agenda."
Violation of the policy, the association added, can result in consequences, "up to and including being excluded from future MWAA participation." The MWAA went on to thank participants in advance for their cooperation.
For questions or concerns about the 2024 agenda, please contact Jeremy Epstein at jeremy.epstein@midwestacquirers.org.
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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