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The Green SheetGreen Sheet

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Green Sheet digs into surcharging with PayJunction's Randy Modos

Recently, Randy Modos, president and co-founder of PayJunction, shared insights with The Green Sheet on solving the complexities of credit card surcharging. PayJunction prides itself on having provided highly rated, award-winning technology and service for more than 20 years, including No-code Payments Integration®, which interacts in real-time with your software, automating data entry and updatess. Following is the Q&A that resulted from our interview:

For readers new to the industry, could you explain the concept of credit card surcharging and why it has become a significant focus for legislation in states like New York and New Jersey?

Credit card surcharging allows businesses to pass on the cost of credit card processing fees to customers. However, it cannot be applied to debit cards, cash, checks, prepaid cards or ACH bank payments. Surcharges are legal in most states but must be clearly disclosed and capped at 3 percent. These measures aim to increase transparency and ensure fair practices in credit card transactions, focusing on protecting consumers from hidden fees.

Recent legislative changes in New York and New Jersey have brought significant attention to credit card surcharging practices. Effective February 2024, New York's new law mandates that businesses clearly disclose the total price, including any credit card surcharge, prior to a sales transaction. California has a similar law that takes effect in July 2024. New Jersey's law, effective August 2023, requires clear disclosure of surcharges, which cannot exceed the actual cost to process the payment.

How have the recent legislative changes in the states mentioned above affected both consumers and merchants?

Recent legislative changes have significantly impacted both consumers and merchants with respect to credit card surcharges. For consumers, these laws ensure greater transparency by requiring merchants to clearly disclose the total price, including any surcharges, before completing a transaction. This prevents unexpected fees at checkout and promotes fair pricing practices.

For merchants, surcharging allows them to pass on credit card processing costs to customers, potentially reducing their operational expenses. However, merchants must comply with strict disclosure rules and surcharge caps, which limit the surcharge to the actual processing cost. Non-compliance can result in substantial penalties, emphasizing the importance of adhering to these new regulations

What are the significant challenges merchants face in complying with surcharge transparency laws?

Merchants face significant challenges in complying with surcharge transparency laws, which require clear disclosure of additional fees to customers before completing transactions. Key hurdles include ensuring proper signage and communication, adhering to varying state and card network surcharge caps, and updating point-of-sale (POS) systems to calculate and display surcharges accurately.

Additionally, businesses must manage customer perceptions, as surcharges can lead to dissatisfaction and lost sales. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in substantial legal and financial penalties, necessitating continuous monitoring and adjustments to maintain compliance. Additionally, some card brands require merchants to notify them 30 days in advance of implementing a surcharging program.

Some merchants view credit card surcharging regulations as burdensome. Could you elaborate on the concerns they have and how they balance these concerns with the need to remain transparent?

Some merchants view credit card surcharging regulations as burdensome due to complex compliance requirements, varying state and card network caps, and the need for technical adjustments to POS systems. Many software systems don't support surcharging, forcing reliance on slow, unintegrated solutions prone to errors. Additionally, merchants must manage customer perceptions, as surcharges can lead to dissatisfaction and lost sales.

However, implementing surcharges can significantly reduce processing costs. For instance, a merchant processing $1.67 million monthly reduced net processing costs from $54,333 to as low as $4,750, resulting in potential annual savings of up to $594,996, depending on the mix of credit and debit cards accepted.

Balancing concerns involves investing in technology that simplifies compliance, is easy to use and prioritizes clear customer communication. surcharging, enabling informed decisions for maintaining transparency and profitability.

How do surcharge options influence consumer behavior and their choices at the POS? Do you find that consumers generally appreciate the transparency, or does it deter them from using credit cards?

Surcharge options at the POS empower consumers with the choice between using a credit card and incurring a small fee or opting for a debit card to avoid the surcharge. Most consumers carry both types of cards, providing them with flexibility and control over their payment method. This approach emphasizes transparency and consumer education, ensuring that customers understand their options rather than feeling restricted.

By clearly communicating surcharge policies, merchants can maintain trust and allow consumers to make informed decisions based on their preferences.

Can you describe the technological advancements that PayJunction has implemented to help merchants manage surcharges and comply with new regulations effectively?

PayJunction has introduced several technological advancements to assist merchants in managing surcharges and complying with regulations. Our No-code Payments Integration allows users to implement surcharging within minutes, without extensive coding, enabling businesses to add integrated surcharging into their browser for use with nearly any POS or business management software, even if it currently doesn't support it. Automated adjustments ensure accurate calculation and display of surcharges, minimizing errors.

The platform supports surcharges across multiple payment channels, including in-person, online, and recurring payments. Additionally, our clear disclosure tools help merchants communicate surcharges transparently, promoting trust. These innovations streamline surcharge management, making it easier for businesses to adhere to regulatory requirements, and we also handle the notification with the card brands.

Our No-code Payments Integration offers seamless integration and clear disclosure tools, assisting with compliance and customer communication. We provide a free report to help businesses understand the impact of surcharging, enabling informed decisions for maintaining transparency and profitability.

What are your predictions for the future of credit card surcharging regulations? What trends or upcoming changes should businesses be aware of?

As credit card surcharging regulations continue to evolve, we predict increased transparency requirements and stricter consumer protection measures, and more rigorous enforcement. Expect more states to adopt clear surcharge disclosure laws. Technological advancements will offer more integrated and automated solutions, simplifying compliance for merchants.

Businesses should prepare for increased scrutiny and stay informed about regulatory updates, card brand policies, consumer trends and legal developments. At PayJunction, we are committed to continuous innovation, providing our customers with cutting-edge tools to navigate these changes effectively and maintain consumer trust.

What advice would you give to merchants who are trying to navigate the complexities of surcharge regulations while striving to maintain customer satisfaction and profitability?

Navigating the complexities of surcharge regulations while maintaining customer satisfaction and profitability can be challenging. Stay informed on the latest regulations, prioritize transparency with your customers and invest in technology that simplifies compliance. end of article

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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