Monday, June 27, 2011
After grappling with the requirement for the last year, the Fed is prepared to reveal its final rule for the debit card interchange rate June 29. Currently, issuers charge an average of 44 cents per debit transaction. The Fed initially proposed cutting the rate to as little as 12 cents – a 75 percent cut.
Experts have indicated the final interchange rate may be a little higher than 12 cents to allow for investment in fraud prevention initiatives and to account for processing costs, but the industry could still lose as much as $20 billion in fees as a result of the Durbin Amendment. The final rule will take effect July 21.
The financial update will fulfill a promise Visa management made in its last earnings update to reassess its 2011 financial outlook after the Fed rule on debit interchange is announced. A live broadcast of the news conference will begin July 6 at 4:30 p.m. EDT; it can be seen live at .
"Visa's business foundation remains solid and we will continue to be a growth company," Visa said in a statement. "Our global network, strong client relationships, product and service offerings, and global brand underpin our ongoing success. As we have done throughout our history, we will continue to adapt our strategies to ensure our long-term success including aggressive investments to grow our global presence and the introduction of innovative new products and services."
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
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