Wednesday, January 30, 2008
RDM has been in the remote deposit business since 1998. The events are intended to teach the ISO community the ins and outs of the remote deposit capture (RDC) product.
The presenters include Mike Murphy, Vice President of Marketing for RDM; Caroline Marino, National Sales Manager, Image and Transaction Management System, ISO Channel, for RDM; and Neil Edmonds, Group Product Manager, Business Products Group for Epson America Inc. Tom Kettell, Strategic Business Manager, Emerging Markets for Epson, will present in Chicago in place of Edmonds. There will also be an opportunity to meet the presenters and network.
According to Marino, the event will hopefully educate people on remote deposit and enlighten them on the possibilities available. The agenda includes an overview of the RDC market, its various segments, and applicable hardware and software components; solutions and offering; product demonstrations; and a question and answer session.
This is the "first of what we hope turns into a national roadshow," Marino said. The company sent 400 invitations to Newark, N.J., alone. If the show has an audience of 50, it will be successful, she added.
RDM is starting with two shows "so we can get our feet wet," Marino said. The company will expand to Miami, Dallas, Denver and Los Angeles in the near future. Depending on the feedback and reaction the shows receive, more cities could be added.
There will be a drawing for a giveaway for an Epson PictureMate during lunch. Epson is presenting at the shows because it recently co-branded a product (batch check scanner) powered with RDM's magnetic ink character recognition technology. According to Marino, this is the first time Epson has ever co-branded a product.
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