Tuesday, October 9, 2012
A number of educational events are occurring across the nation in conjunction with NCSAM. They include:
In addition, Verizon Communications Inc. launched a nationwide education campaign targeted at consumers, businesses and government for NCSAM. The campaign kicked off with the release of a free mobile security app for mobile devices running on the Google Inc. Android platform, as well as the initiation of public service announcements designed to inform consumers, who can also access security tips on the company's website.
For businesses, Verizon hosted an online roundtable on best security practices for protecting financial services on Oct. 9, 2012. The company also shared insights from its annual Verizon Data Breach Investigations Report conducted with data compiled from the U.S. Secret Service and other law enforcement agencies.
Verizon also participated in the Protecting Our Nation's Critical Infrastructure panel at the National Journal and Government Executive annual Cyber Security summit in September 2012.
Additional NCSAM information and resources can be found at staysafeonline.org/ncsam/events.
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