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Proven, secure ID verification, end to end

GBG IDology, established in 2003 in Atlanta, helps companies securely verify identities and deter fraud. With a team of 1,200 specialists, including 250 in the United States, the company provides solutions designed to address the entire customer identity lifecycle, according to James Bruni, managing director at IDology, a GBG brand serving the Americas.

IDology provides a comprehensive suite of technologies that holistically manage identity verification through a range of standalone and multilayered solutions. Bruni stated that IDology manages thousands of diverse data sources, document authentication and ID and selfie verification. For example, he noted, its Consortium Fraud Network helps clients stay ahead of shifting fraud tactics by using real-time, cross-industry consortium intelligence to improve decision accuracy.

Bruni additionally noted that these AI-powered technologies are supervised by human fraud experts to drive transparency and continuous communication with clients and partners.

Continuous innovation, growth

Reflecting on IDology's evolution, Bruni pointed out that joining the GBG family of brands was a major milestone that made the company a major identity provider operating on a global scale.

"We currently have over 350 data sets from partners across the world, enabling the greatest breadth and depth of data," he said, adding that the 2021 Acuant acquisition by Acuant added breadth and capabilities to IDology's identity verification suite, particularly in terms of document authentication and biometrics-based verification.

GBG IDology plans to continue its growth trajectory by focusing on ID verification, regulatory compliance and fraud management, Bruni noted, stating the goal is to build trust across the entire customer lifecycle by streamlining customer acquisition, deterring fraud and driving revenue.

"Our solutions help clients sign up more real customers faster, across channels, with less risk," he said. "Flexible, on-demand configuration and automated approvals drive decisioning agility and transparency for higher conversions and fraud deterrence."

Partnership benefits

Bruni went on to say that payments are a part of all our daily lives, and IDology helps enterprises meet KYC regulations and correctly identify customers to ensure security and compliance in scheduled payments through banks, card payments online, in-person payments via cash, QR codes, contactless card or mobile and crypto payments.

Enterprises can leverage IDology solutions and human expertise to ensure that they are following regulations, deterring fraud and providing a secure customer experience, he stated.

Looking ahead to the future, Bruni said IDology will continue its mission of helping clients and partners verify more identities by using data, documents, biometrics and other risk signals to flag risky applicants and remove unnecessary friction for trusted ones.

"We will continue to offer our large identity document libraries and comprehensive global data sources containing billions of records to instantly validate an identity and tailor the verification experience to the needs of clients while rapidly making changes on any channel," he said.

Enlightened use of tech

Noting that data diversity is central to the requirement for effective digital identity verification, Bruni stated that payments vendors must be able to access the right data to know if user onboarding information or behavior is unusual. Enlightened use of machine learning, as opposed to the general term of artificial intelligence, is an important distinction within the payments sphere, he said, adding that implementing these tools with human oversight is critical.

"By layering human intelligence into AI, a payments enterprise can analyze large amounts of data at scale while leveraging the intuition and expertise of our team of fraud analysts to detect novel fraud, govern AI models to mitigate bias, and provide closed-loop data transparency," Bruni said. "Our work speaks for itself, because IDology reaches a variety of industries, including banks, credit unions, financial institutions, insurance companies, online gaming enterprises and four of the five U.S. tech giants." end of article

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GBG IDology

GBG IDology

ISO/MLS contact:

IDology Primary ISO Contact Team

Company Profile originally appeared in
The Green Sheet Issue 240501

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