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PayTech Women

PayTech Women

Highlights: The PayTech Women (PTW) Summit is the premier event for women and men across the
payments space who are passionate about breaking barriers and creating a more inclusive
workplace. Sponsored this year by FIS, the Summit’s 2024 theme, "CHOOSE TO BE,"
encourages the 700 attendees to embrace the power of choice, guiding them toward limitless
professional possibilities.

The 2024 event features global speakers, industry thought leaders and corporate partners who
will provide inspiring, educational programming to rising stars and established professionals in
the financial services ecosystem. Attendees will have access to top-tier education, engaging
experiential sessions and ample networking opportunities.

When: September 24 - 25, 2024

Where: Atlanta Marriott Airport Gateway Complex  Atlanta


Spotlight Innovators:

North American Bancard