Does The Green Sheet have a list of companies that buy out residuals for merchant accounts?
Curt Waite
Merchant Services SCV
We do not maintain a list of companies that purchase merchant portfolios or provide loans against residuals in a portfolio, nor do we recommend specific companies in this line of business. However, the following six companies are currently listed in our Buyers Guide under the Portfolio Sales heading:
If you prepare a list of questions and then interview the companies on this list, you should be well on your way toward finding informed professionals who can assist you.
You might also benefit by reading related articles in The Green Sheet archives, which can be accessed at Five published in recent years follow below; you'll find more if you conduct a search via the "Search" button in the right-hand column of our home page, Begin with the phrase "portfolio sales":
I hope you find this information to be useful. Please let us know if we can be of further help.
We recently received a note from Jeffrey Redd, who works with the Government Finance Officers Association, about Bad things happen to good people," by Biff Matthews. The article was published in June 8, 2009, in issue 09:06:01, and provides ideas and resources for folks who have been laid off (something that was occurring in alarming numbers in the early stages of what has come to be called the Great Recession) or who need assistance to grow their businesses. Here's what Redd said:
"I was doing some research, and noticed that you list along with a few other great sites on " Honestly, thank you for mentioning them. I really can't say enough positive things about what they do.
"It may be worthwhile to mention either above or below them. In my experience, many entrepreneurs are looking at financing options, while most sites offering information are just looking to turn them into clients. This way you can point visitors somewhere without having to trust a commercial site. Thank you again, and keep up the great work."
We do not update articles in our archives, but we are delighted to pass on this suggestion to our readers. Many thanks to Matthews for penning the original article and to Redd for providing this additional resource.
We received the following encouraging comment from Jason Oxman, Chief Executive Officer of the Electronic Transactions Association: "I should note that one of the reasons that I'm so up on the industry and developments is I am a religious reader of The Green Sheet. I enjoy the publication very much."
Thank you, Jason, for letting us know. We do strive to be a good read in addition to being a source of useful, inspiring, reliable information.
The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.
Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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