Registration for the Electronic Transactions Association's 2008 Annual Meeting & Expo, held each spring in Las Vegas, will begin the first week of December at More than 3,000 attendees flock to the event each year, and the Expo hall now includes more than 175 exhibitors, covering thousands of square feet.
Past keynotes have been delivered by such luminaries as Visa Inc. Chief Executive Officer John Philip Coghlan, CNN's Lou Dobbs, Discover Financial Services CEO David Nelms and data security expert Bruce Schneier.
In addition to networking opportunities galore, the event also features educational sessions addressing a wide range of payments industry issues and opportunities, as well as cutting edge development in technology.
New for 2008, the ETA's annual President's Dinner will take place right after the Expo's opening reception. This gathering honors the accomplishments and contributions of dedicated ETA members.
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