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The Green Sheet Online Edition

September 11, 2017 • Issue 17:09:01

Street SmartsSM

Why not talk to Steve?

By Steven Feldshuh
Merchants' Choice Payment Solutions East

Editor's Note: With this issue, Steven Feldshuh kicks off his one-year term as Street SmartsSM author. A new era begins, as the column will now run from September through August. We've appreciated his disarming honesty and fresh thinking for some time now, and are thrilled to have him helm this column. Please give him a warm welcome.

Over the last year, I have been writing articles for The Green Sheet and was pleased to be asked to become the writer for Street SmartsSM. I feel honored to fill this position and do hope to live up to expectations with articles that you can learn from as well as enjoy reading.

I chose the combination tagline and MLS Forum name Talk to Steve because I really need your feedback and comments to make the Street SmartsSM articles about what you want to read. It is urgent today more than ever to voice our thoughts and solutions and be able to share our knowledge. Hopefully, on the MLS Forum, I will be able to get much valuable input from you, as well as reconnect to some old friends and make new friends. My articles typically will inject some humor, because finding humor in our daily life has worked well for me.

Some details about Steve

During the past 18 years working in the industry, I have been involved from the sales point of view but have also had some experience in ISO operations as well. In 1999, I worked as a sales representative, then a sales manager, and within the first year of this new and stimulating career, became part owner of a small, upstart ISO. Over the next eight years, I helped develop a sizable organization and gained much knowledge from that building experience.

Yes, the industry continually evolves and so have my work positions. Again, in 2008, I found myself having to start a new ISO, and it happened again in 2011. As a partner in MCPS East, my current role is President and Director of Sales. Leading a smaller ISO, I have had to wear various hats, which is the part I enjoy. Every day brings a welcome challenge. With all my heart, I love this industry and have not been shaken each time a roadblock has gotten in my way. If anyone thinks our chosen career is clear sailing, just walk in tomorrow and read your emails. You'll be reminded of just how swiftly things change. The challenges (new technologies to evaluate, for instance) must be looked at as new opportunities.

Let's collaborate, reinvent

The changing landscape of phone sales, in-person direct sales and techniques for landing accounts also must be looked at as not a negative, but a way to continually reinvent ourselves. Companies are bought and sold, but a good, solid company that fills a need is always needed. What we sell and how we sell constantly has to be refined, changed and implemented.

While writing this first article under Talk to Steve, I received an email informing me that a long-term friend Tim McWeeney, who had been an executive with Verifone, is now Vice President Sales-Major Accounts at PAX Technology (congratulations, Tim!). This is a reminder that the industry continually evolves, and that's OK.

So, together, let's develop a conversation that helps everyone. I am not expecting anyone to reveal the secret sauce on how they do business, but I know there is plenty we can talk about and share to our mutual growth and benefit. Yes, I plan on sparking the articles with thoughts on items that have made me successful and fueling the articles with your feedback. I honestly feel there is plenty of business out there for the good salespeople, and if I can help even just a little bit, it will make my day.

So thank you to The Green Sheet for giving me this opportunity. Once again, I do hope I live up to your expectations. I know I am following some great contributors who have done a fine job for Street SmartsSM. end of article

Steven Feldshuh, President of Merchants' Choice Payment Solutions East, has 18 years' experience in sales and ISO development. Directly prior to joining MCPSE in 2012, he was President of Payment Partners. In his current position, Steven devotes the bulk of his time to assisting agents in building their portfolios. Contact him by email at stevenf@mcpseast.com or by phone at 212-392-9202.

The Green Sheet Inc. is now a proud affiliate of Bankcard Life, a premier community that provides industry-leading training and resources for payment professionals. Click here for more information.

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