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A Thing It takes Guts


It Takes Guts


     What does it take to be a successful sales professional? Well, a lot of things. It takes patience, interpersonal skills, experience, education, knowledge, commitment, stamina, determination. We could go on and on.

      But, there is one thing it takes that not many people focus on. And, if you’ve faced a tough prospect or a series of relentless objections, you know what it takes—It takes some REAL GUTS.

R esearch everything you can about the product, prospect, and the industry.

E ducate yourself and obtain the necessary sales skills to become a success.

A sk for help from your colleagues and peers if you need it. Don’t be bashful. If they have experience you can benefit from, ask!

L isten to your prospect, including what they are saying non-verbally.

G o for the sale!

U se your mistakes as opportunities to learn and become a better salesperson.

T hink before you speak.

S ee opportunity in every objection.


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The Green Sheet, Inc.
