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A Thing Joe Kaplan...He's Back

Joe Kaplan...He's Back


J oe Kaplan recently opened the doors to a new business venture based in Calabasas, California called Innovative Merchant Solutions. Kaplan’s name may be familiar to you as he has been in the industry for more than a decade. Before starting Innovative Merchant Solutions, he was President and CEO of Superior Bankcard. Kaplan and his partner Tim Jochner grew Superior to the eighth-largest non-bank acquirer in the nation. They later went on to merge with NOVA Corporation and both subsequently left the organization. Now Kaplan, President and CEO, and Jochner, Executive VP and CFO, have a new home at Innovative Merchant Solutions—a full service bankcard acquirer focused on providing the industry’s best customer service.

From the looks of it, the IMS team may break more records than its predecessor. Since opening their doors on October 11, 1999, Innovative Merchant Solutions is currently underwriting approximately 5,000 deals per month.

Furthermore, by the end of this year Kaplan expects to be writing between 7,000 and 9,000 accounts each month. If you paid attention in elementary math, that computes to 84,000 to 108,000 deals in their first year.

What Makes Them Successful?

This all sounds fantastic, and maybe too spectacular for some skeptics, so we asked Kaplan what makes IMS successful. Surprisingly, the answers were simple.

The first area where we saw IMS shine was their approach to one of business’ oldest methods of communication—the telephone. We’ve all had the experience of calling an organization and having one of a few things happen:

1. We are on hold so long we give up and hang up.

2. An automated system tells us, “Push 1 if you want to wait on hold for a while, push 2 if you want to wait on hold for a while longer...”

3. An actual living, breathing entity answers the phone but they either don’t have the information we need or the authority to execute the resolution we seek.

In contrast, IMS uses the telephone as an asset, which Kaplan tells us is part of the their business philosophy and a big factor in their growth. “IMS will continue to grow and evolve with the ever-changing needs of the bankcard industry, but we will remain dedicated to a single common set of service-oriented goals,” Kaplan stated.

What types of responses do you receive when calling IMS? IMS is a service-oriented organization therefore, when you call them, Kaplan assures us that none of the previous scenarios will occur—an actual human being answers each call. Since IMS cross-trains each employee in all aspects of the business, whoever answers the phone has the authority, and the knowledge, to provide a solution immediately. Furthermore, if a customer service call comes in and all the reps are on the phone, that call will be routed to ring on every phone in the building, including the President’s. IMS reports that this reduces the hold time to less than 17 seconds and the abandon rate to less than 1%.

The phones work both ways at IMS and the company goes out of their way to maintain and retain merchant accounts. Every day each employee calls 3 to 5 merchants, just to say hello and see how they are doing. Merchants also receive a happy birthday call on their birthday.

Okay, so we’ve established that the phones work over at IMS. What else? Well, if you are an ISO interested in getting your merchants up and running ASAP then you may want to know about The R.U.S.H. Program. R.U.S.H. (Responses with Unbelievable Service and Handling) is IMS’s sales tool that generates live, same day merchant numbers for merchants who process less than $50,000 per month, regardless of business type or credit, with a few exceptions. If your merchants are more concerned with high approval rates, IMS may be your answer. IMS reports that since employees are cross-trained, they are adept and efficient at approving accounts, which translates to an approval rate of greater than 99%. If you’re looking for a convenient solution you might want to check out IMS. They work completely in house; they provide all the servicing of the accounts, including Web page design if necessary. According to Kaplan, “This full service capability allows us to have better control of the process, which allows us to provide better services.”

Products and Services

IMS will accept virtually all types of business, including MO/TO, Internet, high volume, restaurants, lodging, and retail. Their services include credit, debit, ATM, check guarantee, and EBT. Products include most payment gateways, software, and terminals.

Looking for Agents

IMS’s growth is good news for ISOs because the company does not have a sales force; their goal is building and maintaining agent relationships. Kaplan told us, “We consider the company a family and we are looking for good sales people and good organizations who will share in our success.”

The company compensation structure includes shared discount rates, transaction fees, customer service fees, and monthly minimums. Lifetime discount compensation packages are available, as are training programs and leads. IMS’s exclusive agent Web site allows its ISOs to view their current and historical compensation reports, new account status, applications, news and updates, as well as technical support information.

For more information about ISO opportunities with Innovative Merchant Solutions call Joe Kaplan at (818) 871-7800. Also, visit their site at—it is exceptional. When you fill out the online form, a representative will contact you to discuss opportunities to join their team.


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