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A Thing Letters to the Editor


Letters to the Editor



I love The Green Sheet. You put it out there for the world to poke, prod, and respond.

This letter concerns your article on the North Carolina interpretation of their collection agency statutes (issue 00:05:02). If my experience with the dulocrats is any guide, the only way the law will be changed is by political pressure.

Yes, it is a law. An assistant AG said so. That makes it a law.

In this Dulocracy in which we all live, dulocratical edicts rule, plain and simple. Don’t believe me? Try fighting an OSHA, EPA, EDD, IRS, FTB, ad nauseam pronouncement.

Easier yet, look at your phone bill and tell me the 8.5% Gore tax isn’t for real. If you can do that, quit reading this letter and get a collection agency license if you plan on selling in N.C.

An assistant attorney general in North Carolina has interpreted the law to mean something and by God, every last ounce of regulatory energy will be expended proving she is right. However, let’s say the banks, who now enjoy immunity via licensing, get behind the “RCK is not a collection agency function” theology. The AG himself will publicly repudiate the “misinterpretation” of the statute by a fellow colleague.

BTW, a dulocracy is: “A government where servants and slaves have so much license and privilege that they domineer.”

Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition

For those who may have forgotten, anyone employed at any level of government is still, by statute and oath, a public servant.

Enough on definition and back to the point: we can wish it was different, we can yell about how it is and how it should be, but the only way it will change is through political (i.e., the legislators clarifying what they meant when they penned the law) action.

You can figure out how that will come about for yourself. Maybe somebody won’t clear any checks from the State to their employees for two paydays in a row or maybe a state legislator will magically become the proud owner of an RCK business, or, well, you get the point.

I am not implying anyone do anything sinister or against the law. I am only saying:

“It all depends on what the definition of is, is...” and according to Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Nothing in politics just happens. It is all planned.”

So there you have it. Quotes from two presidents that, hopefully, clarify the dulocratic embraglement.

Tom Kozio


Dear Green Sheet:

I was told that there is a place on your site where a company can list sales jobs in the financial services industry.

Please advise.

Thank you,

Dexter Allen

PeopleSource, Inc.


Dear Dexter:

Sales job opportunities can be listed for free in the Classified Ads on

From the home page click on “Classified Ads” and post your position. You can also post a mention on your opportunity in the ISO Forum.

Listings are also available for an annual fee in the Resource Guide, if you are looking for several agents for your organization. Please contact Laurie Ogg regarding the Resource Guide at

Good Selling

Julie O’Ryan-Dempsey

Managing Editor



Your paper is awesome! How do I get a subscription?


Jack Bridges



Thanks for the kind words. We will send you the subscription information.

Good Selling!

Paul H. Green


Dear Green Sheet:

The 99:11:03 issue said “The first GSQ issue of 2000 will focus on ISOs.” I could not find it. In which issue and under what heading should I be looking?

Thank you.

Tom Beane


Dear Tom:

The publication you are referring to is the May issue of GSQ, our quarterly magazine. It is titled “Feet on the Street.” If you did not receive your copy, please provide your mailing address and we will get it out to you ASAP.


Suzanne Luse

Asst. Editor




Good Selling!

The Green Sheet

The End


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The Green Sheet, Inc.