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A Thing Internet Discount Rater Greater Than 3%

Internet Discount Rate Greater Than 3%

First Annapolis, a management consulting and financial advisory services firm focusing on the payments industry, recently completed a review of credit card acceptance pricing for Internet retailers using payment gateways. The survey included more than 30 gateway companies, banks, and merchant acquirers that publish credit card acceptance fees on their Web sites. The survey found that Internet retailers would commonly be subject to the fees indicated in the table below.

What this means is that based on these fees, a merchant with a $75 average ticket could expect to pay an effective discount rate (discount rate plus per transaction fees) of 3.12%. While relatively high, the charges revealed in the survey were less than expected and can partially be explained by the higher interchange rates for card not present transactions (approximately 40 basis points higher than for card present transactions). Virtual merchants as a group also present more risk to acquirers than their physical counterparts. Additionally, the non-transaction fees paid by virtual merchants ($1,497 in the first year) are somewhat analogous to the application, terminal, and other fees physical merchants pay (approximately $500 to $700 in the first year).

The survey was based on advertised pricing so actual discount rates will vary depending on sales volume and average ticket size. Small merchants should expect to pay higher rates, and the survey found one site posting a discount rate of over 6% for an average ticket of less than $10. Additionally, many providers charged monthly discount minimums of about $25.

For additional information contact Paul Grill of First Annapolis Consulting at


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