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A Thing GS Online - An Evolution: Part 1

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GS Online - An Evolution: Part 1

B ack in the Internet Dark Ages (1995), we established our Green Sheet presence on the Web. The Green Sheet Online has continued to evolve in terms of design and content continuously since its inception, although our focus always has been to offer the most relevant content for ISOs at no charge.

One of our early and most popular ideas was the establishment of the ISO Forum. During our 1998 series of regional seminars, we learned that ISOs and agents needed a resource to build community and network with each other.

We struck upon the idea of a secure chat room/bulletin board environment. Our vision was to create a space where ISOs could trade ideas and share knowledge. However, as is often true, the reality varied significantly from the theory. What we had created was a space to air grievances.

While a great deal of constructive criticism has been posted, it's unfortunate that many otherwise constructive conversations have devolved into name-calling and outright "flaming."

Although our terms clearly stated that we, The Green Sheet, are not responsible for the posts to this Internet space, we have received requests from companies and their legal representatives to remove posts. We found ourselves having to explain to some very unhappy people the difference between what we chose to publish and someone else's right to free speech.

After moving our entire Internet operation late last year, we once again visited the subject of "monitoring" our Web space. We wanted to change, upgrade and enhance our site in terms of content, services and navigation. We also wanted to improve our ability to push content and pull in readers. Our readership statistics (now audited) consistently have shown us that our print audience was only a fraction of our online market.

At times the ISO Forum had been a bit of a nuisance. With the current economic environment and litigation issues surfacing in the ISO industry, the ISO Forum had become a liability. We lost a valuable contributing writer after his attorneys requested that he lower his visibility in the marketplace. They were responding to several incendiary posts to the ISO Forum. We decided we needed to step in.

As a result, we have modified our Terms of Use for the ISO Forum online. These Terms were sent via e-mail to all current registered users, and all new users must agree to these terms before registering.

We are actively monitoring the posts with the intention of maintaining a space for constructive dialogue. This is much the same as hosting our "beer bash" mixers at the seminars, knowing when to close the bar and when to ask someone to leave.

We know that some of our readers got fed up and turned off by the tone of the conversation online. We want to invite you back and include our terms here for your review. The Green Sheet Online, "ISO Forum," "Ask the Green Sheet," and "ISO Opportunities" Terms of Use  All registered users of the Green Sheet Online, "ISO Forum," "Ask the Green Sheet," and "ISO Opportunities" must READ and AGREE TO the following:

The Green Sheet is not responsible for and does not recommend or endorse any product or service. Registered Members agree to indemnify and hold The Green Sheet, Inc. harmless from any claims, damage or expense resulting from published postings to The Green Sheet Online, "ISO Forum," "Ask The Green Sheet" and "ISO Opportunities."

The Green Sheet, Inc. and its designates are the official moderators of these sections of The Green Sheet Online site. The Green Sheet reserves the right to edit, delete or prune any posts in its forums. If you have a question about a particular posting, you should direct it to The Green Sheet at

The Green Sheet reserves the right to close or delete any post that does not provide a clear and purposeful topic.

Anyone who posts just to increase their Green Sheet Forum stats is subject to having the posts removed. Topics or replies that are deemed to be "flaming," offensive, abusive or non-constructive risk having these topics closed, removed and/or membership revoked by The Green Sheet.

 "ISO Forum" is intended to be a secure networking space for sales professionals in the retail financial services industry. Topics and posted replies should be limited to constructive, inquisitive and/or educational dialogue.  "Ask the Green Sheet" is intended to be a space for posting inquiries directly to The Green Sheet staff. Topics will be researched and answered by the staff within this section. All postings to "Ask the Green Sheet" may be published solely at the discretion of The Green Sheet unless the posting includes the instruction "not for publication" at the time of the original posting.

 "ISO Opportunities" (formerly Classified Ads) is intended to be a space for: ISO 2 ISO: New and used equipment, supplies, services from ISO to ISO. ISO Agent Recruiting: ISOs, Equipment Vendors, Service Providers seeking sales professionals. Executive Positions: ISOs, Equipment Vendors, Service Providers, Banks seeking managers/executives.

Postings to "ISO Opportunities" are free. Postings will be maintained for 90 days. The Green Sheet defines topic headings, and postings must be limited to the pre-defined headings. Companies and/or individuals (registered users) will be limited to three (3) postings to a given topic heading in a 90-day period.

There are many members who still use 28.8 and 56k modems and do not have the time to wade through overly long and/or repetitive postings. Posts to "ISO Opportunities" will be limited to 25 lines.





 Copyright 2001 The Green Sheet, Inc.