Tales of Sales Success: As a Rule, It's all about Integrity by Angie Morton
s there any integrity left out there? It's a personal thing, you know. It defines who you are and what you are about. Integrity has a ripple affect. Any industry can be riddled with dishonest business practices, but how does it happen? It happens one person at a time, or in this case one sales rep at a time. In a society full of dishonest business practices, integrity has become as difficult to find as your kids when there are chores to be done.
OK, so you're thinking that I don't deal with the people you do or listen to all of the "misguided information" that your merchants are always giving you. There's an old saying in the sales industry that if a customer's lips are moving, they're lying. OK, so you are telling me that you are not dealing with a totally upfront, honest situation or person, and I am telling you that it doesn't matter if they are integrity-driven or not - what we are concerned about here is YOU.
Why is integrity even important? Well, it used to be that a deal was sealed on a handshake, that people were concerned about upholding the family name. There's no question that some of the most notable people in society have shamed us all. Yes, we live in a society that has never existed before, but that gives us even more reason to live an integrity-conscious existence.
First and foremost, integrity should be its own reward, but even if you can't buy into that just yet, you can buy into the idea that it is absolutely crucial to your success.
When you sacrifice your integrity you have compromised yourself, your customer and the next guy in line. As I mentioned, it has a ripple effect. Integrity is so rare these days that once you put its practices in effect, you automatically set yourself apart from the competition. Wow, and you were wondering how to be different or better or smarter!
One phrase I use frequently is that "you may not want to hear what I'm going to tell you, but I will tell you anyway," and then proceed with whatever "delicate" details my customer will find out sooner or later. I have found that most people can take the so-called bad news as long as I tell them upfront. They like being trusted with handling the "bad news." Besides, they are looking for the hidden "hook" anyway, and here you are just laying it on the line for them. What a guy you are! Credibility at its best!
Now I know you can say that nobody will know the difference. Well, sometimes that may be true, but in the long run you are building your character one block at a time; once it is built, it can be a difficult structure to alter.
If you question your degree of integrity, simply ask yourself one simple question: Would you want YOU as a salesperson? Ouch, gets a little personal here, but I told you upfront that integrity was a personal matter.
Consider this: Integrity in sports is a home run, a perfect dive, a touchdown. In art, integrity is the millions of brushstrokes it takes to create that stunning painting. In music, it is hitting the right notes at the right time with the right touch. You get the idea - it is doing the thing that you know is the right thing to do and then doing it to the best of your ability regardless of the circumstances. Besides that ... it feels good!
You have a great influence on our industry. You have great influence on the lives of others. We are changed one thought at a time, one word at a time, one action at a time, for good or bad. The choice is yours.