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An Add-On Payment Processor for Mobile and Wireless Devices

RichPayments for Mobile Devices


Building on the April 2002 release of its RichPayments for Palm, a Palm PDA-based electronic payment solution, privately held RichSolutions, Inc. has announced the immediate availability of RichPayments for Mobile Devices, a new suite of applications designed for use with mobile and wireless products.

RichPayments for Mobile Devices processes credit card transactions by using built-in or add-on connectivity devices supported by leading mobile or wireless providers to access the Internet for payment processing. These devices include Palm.Net, CDPD wireless modems, 80211.b wireless, dial-up modems or Ethernet connections.

Once connected, RichPayments for Mobile Devices uses RichPayments.NET ePayment Web services to securely process transactions in five seconds or less and store cardholder signatures for protection from chargebacks, according to RichSolutions. RichPayments' software, which is pre-configured by merchant service providers, integrates the wireless and add-on devices and sets up the payment processing system.

RichPayments works with the Compact iPAQ; Palm III, Palm IV and Palm V; Handspring PDA and Treo PDA Phone; HandEra 330; TRGPro; iPAQ; HP Jornada; Casio; Sony CLIE; KYOCERA SmartPhone; Symbol PPT and SPT series; Toshiba e570; NEC MobilePro devices; Cassiopeia; and Nokia 9200 series.

This product targets merchants and professionals who have a need for mobile payment terminals, including restaurants and bars, sales professionals, delivery businesses or mobile services such as locksmiths.

RichPayments for Mobile Devices software supports the Palm OS, Microsoft Windows CE and Symbian OS operating systems. The solution is also compatible with industry standard card readers, receipt printers and wireless carriers.

The solution, which also includes online reporting, automated settlement and the ability to edit transactions before settlement, is available for sale through merchant service providers.

RichSolutions, Inc.

20428 NE 66th Ct.

Redmond, WA 98053


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