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He Got a Bang Out of Story

Thank you for the wonderful article in the September 23, 2002 issue ("Getting Banks for Your Buck," 02:09:02) of The Green Sheet. I appreciate the recognition you've given me and Authorize.Net as well as the opportunity to discuss my personal philosophies regarding the payment industry, leadership, creating value, management and technology.

The Green Sheet continues to be the Financial Services Industry's source for insightful and meaningful news and information. Thank you for your objective reporting and fair play. The Green Sheet demonstrates a high editorial standard, providing a tremendous value for its subscribers.

Thank you for your contributions to this industry and, as always, I look forward to the next issue.

Sincerely, Roy Banks Vice President and General Manager Authorize.Net

Checking in on DDAs

Do you have any data on the number of direct-deposit accounts (DDAs) in the United States?

Sandra Lee-Soy

Director, Market Intelligence

Visa USA


According to the Fed's research on consumer financial habits, 87% of U.S. households maintain checking accounts. If you assume 180 million households, that would put the number of DDA accounts at about 156 million.

Our previously published studies on check usage are now available online in the GSQ section of our Web site:

Good Selling!SM

The Green Sheet Staff

Getting Started

We are going to be starting an ISO within the next couple of months. We have registered with The Green Sheet under the name Cronus. The reason for the e-mail is to inquire of a list or spreadsheet that you may have concerning the location of each ISO that is registered with your publication.

Also, because we are a new start-up, I was wondering if you have any advice on a bank or merchant processor that is particularly good with small to midsize ISOs. Your help is greatly appreciated.


Daniel G. Palmer


Our database is proprietary. However, we have many resources available to you through our print publications and Web site.

Please check out the GSQ Online and register to view this publication (no charge). The last few years already are available in PDF format, and we are adding the entire backlist over the next few months. We have published several studies on the ISO channel.

Our FAQs online are a wealth of information on getting into this terrific industry. Check out our information on registration, rates and regulations.

Good Selling!SM

The Green Sheet Staff

Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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