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North American Bancard Introduces Health Care Plan

North American Bancard has introduced for its agent partners the NAB Health Benefits Plan, a comprehensive health care program that encompasses medical, dental, vision, life and long-term care insurance. Participants can pick and choose the type of coverage that suits their individual needs.

North American Bancard pays 50% of the premium. The other half is paid by the participating agent through an automatic deduction from the participant's monthly residual earnings. In addition to individual coverage, the plan also offers options for extended coverage to family members with the added cost for family benefits paid by the agent.

Eligibility is determined by number of merchant accounts. Each participating agent must have 30 active merchant accounts to enroll in the NAB plan and must sign a minimum of 30 new approved merchants per quarter to maintain eligibility.

"Health care was desperately needed in the industry," said Marc Gardner, President of North American Bancard. "Many industries outside of ours provide benefits to agents that sell goods and services. No one was offering these benefits to independent sales agents, so we decided to do it. And by doing so, we have added value to our program.

"Everyone out there offers value in some way. North American Bancard differentiates itself from its competitors by providing superior products, services and, now, health care benefits." The program first was presented at the recent North American Bancard agent expo in Orlando.

"Having the opportunity to be enrolled in this health care program has garnered me significant savings," said Brian Roth, a sales agent in the New York area who has worked with NAB for more than three years. "Not only has North American Bancard been a pleasure to work with, but they have provided me with exposure to a great benefits plan that I haven't seen before in this industry."

The NAB Health Benefits Plan is available in all 50 states. To find out more about the program or apply, call 1-800-BANCARD, ext. 1015 or visit

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