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No Print, No Signature, No Transaction
Product: ID verification system at the point-of-sale
Company: First aSuretee, LLC and Hypercom Corp.
Two payment industry leaders, First Data Corp. subsidiary First aSuretee, LLC and Hypercom Corp., have joined forces in the fight against fraud at the point-of-sale. The result is a payment and identification solution for the U.S. government and U.S. corporations that provides a "double" authentication, both biometric and signature, of individuals authorized to conduct transactions.
The technologies integrated by the companies include Hypercom's BioPin, which converts a fingerprint into an algorithmic reference, Hypercom's ICE terminal and HyperSafe application along with First aSuretee's "chip" for creating digital signatures.
A unique digital signature coupled with a biometric reference will validate a person conducting a transaction at the point-of-sale. The signature gets transmitted from the POS terminal every time a transaction is initiated.
First Data formed First aSuretee in November 2002 to focus on providing products and services to the financial services industry and government entities that leverage digital signatures. FDC also uses the First aSuretee technology in services such as online banking, gift card orders and payroll administration and commercial card services.
First aSuretee, LLC
Hypercom Corp.
2851 W. Kathleen Road
Phoenix, AZ 85053