Your Mission, Should You Choose To Accept It
ission Statement of The Green Sheet: "The Green Sheet exists to offer 'Motivation, Inspiration, and Actionable Advice' to MLS/ISOs. In serving the MLS/ISO community, The Green Sheet not only strives to inform sales professionals of a wide range of income opportunities, but also works to give these professionals a voice and a forum - a voice that, for lack of a forum, may have gone unheard."
One of the first steps to starting your business plan is writing a mission statement. It is also one of the hardest parts of preparing your business plan. This step requires a lot of thought and patience. But the mission statement is the heart of your business, so the time invested will be well worth it.
The mission statement is an important tool to describe the purpose, values and standards of your business. A good mission statement will help guide you as you make critical business decisions. It can be used as a motivational tool ... and a marketing tool, too.
The process of writing a mission statement can help you to clarify the goals of your business. To begin, make a list of your goals and expectations for the business. Get feedback from your co-workers and friends and family. The people involved in your business must understand and believe in the statement. You all will be working together to fulfill the mission of your business.
When you actually sit down to write the mission statement, keep the following in mind:
- Keep it brief. The mission statement should be a short description, not a detailed one. You will have a chance to fully describe all of the details of your business later in the business plan.
- Pick a theme. Because it is brief, you need to keep your mission statement focused. Include what your business does, how or where you do it, for whom you do it and why.
- Use broad terms so you don't limit your business. For example, instead of saying you "process credit card transactions," say, "XYZ Company provides payment services for ..." This leaves many new paths open to your business and will not box you into one business line in the future.
- Make each word count. Use action words to convey a feeling of passion.
Your mission statement needs to be visionary but at the same time realistic. Your goals can be lofty, but be sure they are attainable. You always can revise the statement in the future to include new ideas and technologies.
There are many resources available to you to assist in the development of your mission statement. There are Internet sites devoted to this, and many books are available. There even are software packages available to help in not only writing your mission statement but your business plan, too.
Once you've written your mission statement, print it, frame it and make it a visible part of your business environment. Read it daily. Each decision you make, every action you take in building your business should reflect your mission. If an idea or opportunity that comes your way is not "on target" and is not in keeping with your mission statement, then acting upon that idea will take you off course. Stay true to your mission statement and you will attain your goals.