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New Research Vehicle Coming to The Green Sheet Online: "You Tell Us" How You Feel and What You Need

By Julie O'Ryan

Nancy Drexler, Cynergy Data's new Marketing Director, traveled from New York to meet with us during her third week on the job. New to the payment processing industry, she was hungry for information about the market. "Who are these MLSs?" she wanted to know. "What do they need?"

We spent some time together talking about the intricacies of this business and an idea was born: Why don't we ask MLSs about their concerns and the issues that are important to them?

On the one hand, it is a result of Drexler's desire to do her job well. On the other hand, it also has to do with our mission, our heart and our blatant curiosity. In the end, it should produce better understanding, better communication and better service for our readership.

The Green Sheet and Cynergy Data are proud to announce a joint venture-and the product of our brainstorming session that afternoon-"You Tell Us," a user-friendly poll for MLSs to voice what they need to succeed.

Beginning May 1, 2004, we'll be providing another opportunity for you to tell us about your jobs and what you need to help you do them better. We will listen, we will compile and we will report the results monthly. Then we'll tell the entire industry what you think and feel.

Here's how it will work:

  • Starting May 1, visit . You will see two or three questions, which will change monthly. We urge you to respond to them.
  • The Green Sheet will tabulate the responses. All information will be completely private and confidential.
  • At the end of each month's poll, we will report the results, both in print and online.
We're envisioning this as another tool for you to use in gathering information. We want to help you understand both your clients and your competitors. Use the information to develop products and services, to create meaningful communications and to retain clients and grow your business.

Most of all, use it to tell us how we can help you do business with greater ease, greater satisfaction and generate greater profits. Because in fact, that is our mission and our heart.

We look forward to hearing from you-and to you telling us.

Notice to readers: These are archived articles. Contact names or information may be out of date. We regret any inconvenience.
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