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MLS Balances Work and Single Motherhood

By Matthew Swinnerton

Do you ever feel as if you have too much on your plate and too many things going on at once? If you're out there selling and making a living in this industry, then the answer most likely is "yes."

This business keeps us all very busy. Just imagine doing all of the things you do while at the same time being a single mom. Kathy Harper of MLS Direct Network, based in Griffin, Ga., doesn't have to imagine. She does it every day and happens to be very good at it. I interviewed Kathy for this month's AgenTalk.

Matthew Swinnerton: What brought you to the credit card processing business?

Kathy Harper: My brother, Jerry Gibson, introduced me to this industry. Jerry had been in the industry for about six months at the time and was doing well. I had just lost a lease on an antiques mall that I had opened six months before and was desperate to find work.

Although I had never been in outside sales before, my situation necessitated that I become a salesperson. I guess you could say that the threat of poverty led me to this industry.

MS: What has kept you going for the last three years?

KH: My children are always what keep me going. When you have children, you have no choice but to keep moving forward.

MS: Is there a certain market you focus on?

KH: I spent 20 years in the restaurant and hospitality industry, so my main focus is on that market.

MS: Who do you look up to in this industry?

KH: Paul Green for starting The Green Sheet is the obvious number one answer here. Ed Freedman's column, "Street Smarts," has been a wealth of information. And if I had to name one person who has helped me the most, it would have to be Neil Mink.

I met Neil on The Green Sheet's MLS Forum long before I met him in person. He has been a tremendous help to me in finding my footing in this industry. Neil has definitely been a mentor and friend and continues to do so.

MS: As a woman, do you find it easier or harder working in this industry?

KH: There are some advantages to being a woman. I get the feeling that sometimes merchants trust me simply because I am a woman and a mother. The down side is that, on my own, I have to be there for my children. Their doctor and dentist appointments as well as extracurricular activities can sometimes severely cut into my workweek.

MS: How has The Green Sheet helped you?

KH: Finding The Green Sheet was like seeing this industry for the first time in the light of day. I had so many questions that I couldn't get the answers to that when I literally stumbled across The Green Sheet, I stayed up for days reading past issues and MLS Forum posts.

I had no direction or real idea of what I was doing until I found The Green Sheet. It has kept me from violating Association rules that I didn't even know existed, and it has opened my eyes to the seemingly endless possibilities in this industry. I can't say enough about what a difference The Green Sheet has made to me. Thank you, Paul!

MS: Who would be your ideal merchant to work with, and who would be your "nightmare" merchant?

KH: From my experience, merchants who process the highest number of transactions seem to be the least demanding of my time, while merchants who process the least in volume can sometimes be extremely demanding of my time.

My ideal merchant would be a restaurant with a POS system, not a terminal, doing a million or more per month, or a MO/TO merchant producing the same volume. Nightmare merchants include, but are not limited to, hard-to-place accounts and merchants who speak little or no English.

MS: Do you attend any regional or national association conferences?

KH: I attend every association conference that I can. I have learned a tremendous amount from meeting industry veterans in person at these events. The educational opportunities provided by the events are phenomenal. Just being able to speak with other agents from around the country has given me a huge advantage.

MS: What interests you most about this industry?

KH: The fact that it's always changing. If you stay up to date and continue to educate yourself about the industry, you can gain a definite advantage over your competition.

One of the most exciting changes that I have seen recently is the forming of an association made up of agents called MLS Direct Network. Although this is not the first time this has been done, it is certainly not the norm in this industry. Agents are part owners and actually have input in the direction of the organization. The percentage paid out in residuals is much higher than what I have ever seen.

MS: What keeps your spirits up on a day-to-day basis?

KH: From association meetings, The Green Sheet's MLS Forum, and my affiliation with the National Association of Payment Professionals (NAOPP), I have met some great people from all over the country.

I actually have a group of friends who are also agents that I speak to on a regular basis. Between appointments, we call each other to chat or moan about the day and even challenge each other to monthly competitions, just between ourselves.

It's great to be able to share with people who understand what you're going through and can help motivate you through a bad patch.

MS: Describe a typical day in your life.

KH: I get up between 5:30 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. to do some work on the computer and get the kids off to school. If I have an early appointment, I head straight to that; if not, I set appointments over the phone and check back in with people I didn't sell to on the first go 'round.

Most days you'll find me on the road where I make stops at new merchant locations that I come across between appointments. While I'm on the road, I answer various service issue calls and check back in with merchants on my list to sell. Although I don't like to, I sometimes work until 7:30 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. for merchants that can't meet any other time. When the day finally ends, I cook supper for the kids and help with homework. Many nights I continue working by faxing in applications and preparing for the next day.

MS: What challenges do you face in this industry as a single mom?

KH: I'm in the middle of a presentation when my cell phone vibrates. I look down at it to see the principal of my son's school on the caller I.D. Now that's a challenge!

MS: What goals do you have in relation to this industry?

KH: Within the next year, I would like to have an office outside of my home, several agents and more than one bank relationship. In five years, I would like to take a vacation. In all seriousness, I love this industry and see myself in it until I can't physically work anymore.

As a board member of NAOPP, I have been able to give back somewhat to the industry that has embraced me, and I look forward to being part of some of the positive changes happening in our industry.

Thanks, Kathy. I think you're one of the first people I have interviewed for this monthly column who has talked about giving something back to our industry.

Maybe that's why you're doing so well. You know what they say, "The more you put in the more you get out." I guess it has worked for you.

Matthew Swinnerton of Merchant Services Direct is an independent agent for AmericaOne, Comerica Merchant Services and POS Card Systems. He has been in the credit card processing business for seven years selling merchant services to small- and mid-sized retail and online establishments. To find out more about Merchant Services Direct, visit or contact Matthew directly by e-mail at or by phone at 512-255-9791.

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