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A Loyalty Program With Three Parts

Product: The LoyaltyWise Solution Package
Company: Synergy World Inc.,

Do you know of any merchants who have expressed interest in implementing an electronic loyalty or gift card program for their customers, but have hesitated because of the cost? and Synergy World Inc. offer what they believe is an affordable solution that merchants can implement quickly.

The companies call the offering the "The LoyaltyWise Solution Package," which provides three applications in one.

The first is a custom electronic gift card program that enables merchants to provide plastic gift cards with their own logo and brand. Merchants can activate the cards for any dollar amount, and every gift card transaction deducts the sale from the prepaid balance. The balance is also printed on the sales receipt.

The second application is a custom-branded reward card program, which merchants can use two different ways. One tracks points per dollar; merchants assign a point value for every dollar the customer spends and can set the rewards when customers reach the point value.

The other tracks points per transaction; merchants assign one point per transaction and designate a point threshold before a reward can be earned.

The third application of The LoyaltyWise Solution Package is a measured loyalty card that allows merchants to limit the number of times a consumer can redeem a reward card for a specific offer.

"This application is ideal for any restaurant that wants to limit how many times a buy-one-get-one-free meal can be redeemed by a customer," said Joel Kantor, Synergy World's Chief Executive Officer.

The merchant loads the card with a preset number of swipes/offers. Every time the customer uses the card, a swipe/offer is deducted from it. When all swipes have been used up, the words "card not valid" will appear on the receipt.

Merchants can also program all of the reward applications to award random instant prizes, another nice feature.

Synergy World Inc. and
12625 High Bluff Drive, Suite 318
San Diego, CA 92130

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