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Mobile Office for Mobile Agents

Product: AutoExec
Company: Travel Tools

Salespeople in all fields know that their cars are more than mere modes of transportation. Getting to and from sales calls, driving around to find leads and servicing accounts can make it seem like they spend more time on the road than in the office or at home. Staying organized is a challenge: Where does everything go when there are no file cabinets, desks or drawers?

A company called Travel Tools has a solution that transforms a car into a neat and tidy work station so that extended periods on the road aren't the messy, chaotic times with which so many sales people are familiar. The Auto Exec, which comes in four different models, should immediately begin to increase productivity and reduce stress. It's an entire mobile workstation that turns the passenger seat into an organized office.

Features for each model vary, but all of them include a compartment that holds a dozen hanging file folders, separate storage for pens and phones, and space under the non-skid writing/desk surface for notebooks, etc. Two models include a slide-out work surface with a clipboard for use with a notebook, planner, laptop computer or printer.

The units are lightweight, sturdy and are designed to be strapped in with the car's existing passenger side seat belt for safety.

Multi-taskers might be tempted to talk on the phone and file while driving, but it's probably a better idea to wait and pull over to enjoy the efficiency of the organized office on the go.

Travel Tools

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