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Thanks to NAOPP for a great year of 'Street Smarts'.

Writing "Street Smarts" is no easy task. The column, which creates an ongoing dialog with merchant level salespeople (MLSs) about their day-to-day challenges and opportunities, appears in every issue of The Green Sheet. It's a big commitment.

"Street Smarts" authors are salespeople, not professional writers. Finding a topic, soliciting adequate responses to the topic (on GS Online's MLS Forum) and incorporating it all into clear, succinct prose can be a challenge, especially since most salespeople have dedicated their time to serving merchants.

The most recent authors of "Street Smarts" have been board members of the National Association of Payment Professionals (NAOPP), a nonprofit industry association for MLSs. Their articles span from April 11, 2005 to March 27, 2006. (Ed Freedman of Total Merchant Services authored the column from May 26, 2003 to March 28, 2005.)

Over the past year, NAOPP's Amy B Garvey, Kathy Harper, Michael Nardy, Ty Rosean and Steve Schwimmer contributed to the series. Their topics included leasing, trade secrets, free terminal programs, networking, risk and liability, wireless solutions and psychological selling.

NAOPP's final article is in this issue of The Green Sheet. We'd like to thank NAOPP's board members for their contributions and commitment, and Vicki Daughdrill, NAOPP Executive Director, for her coordination efforts.

Beginning with our April 10, 2006 issue, Michael Nardy, Chief Executive Officer of Electronic Payments Inc. (EPI) will sponsor and write "Street Smarts." Welcome aboard, Michael.

What topics would you like covered in "Street Smarts"? Send your comments, suggestions and questions to .

A complete list of all the "Street Smarts" articles is online at .

Article published in issue number 060302

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