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Playing nicely in the sandbox: MLS forum etiquette
here do merchant level salespeople (MLSs) go to discuss their jobs, share industry secrets and answer burning questions? (Hint: It's not the local bar.) Rather, it's GS Online's MLS Forum, a secure space for sales professionals in the payment processing industry.
The MLS Forum has been a very successful endeavor for the MLS community. Since its inception, members have posted more than 60,000 messages, which have been viewed over 340,000 different times.
"The MLS Forum was created to assist MLSs with their careers," said Kate Gillespie, The Green Sheet's General Manager and Chief Operating Officer. "The Forum is a space for them to share experiences and knowledge in order to build better business support systems."
Although most individuals use the MLS Forum for legitimate purposes, some have abused the privilege. Some recent misuse has prompted us to remind members of the terms of service and to suggest ways for making the online experience better for everyone:
- The Green Sheet has chosen to not keep a list of "bad" ISOs. Conflicts over residuals are best addressed between only the parties involved and in a more private manner.
- Flaming is absolutely not tolerated. Not only is it counterproductive, but it also puts the individual who posted the comments at risk for liability. Slander and libel are serious matters.
- Rumors are not facts. Just because something is posted does not mean that it has been verified.
- Responding to objectionable posts only serves to fan the flames, so to speak. Send the Forum moderators a private message, and they will take care of the problem.
Follow these guidelines, and all participants will have an enjoyable and educational experience. There is no charge to use the MLS Forum, but a one-time registration is required at