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A Thing Now, Surf The Green Sheet!
Now, Surf The Green Sheet!

Concepts, Inc., publishers of The Green Sheet, is proud to announce our new On-Line version. For the past two months we've been telling you about our E-mail address (and, by the way, thanks for all your lines & letters), but just wait until you see The Green Sheet On-Line! Or, better yet, don't wait!

Our Internet Home Page address is:

Look to our Web Page for all the up to date ISO Industry news and info you've come to expect from The Green Sheet, as well as an opportunity to "Meet the Editor."

You've been reading our editorials for years, now hear the Voice of The ISO Industry on your computer.

Tired of busy signals?

Coming Soon.....

The Resource Guide will have not only phone numbers, but E-mail and Web addresses. Sure, you say, what good is that to me? Just imagine, instead of calling, and spending countless hours on hold, sending your request for info via E-mail with just a click on their address!

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