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A Thing
It's in the Script...
It's in the Script...

A salesman recently reported that he stopped at his local Stop & Rob on the way home, filled his tank, poured a cup of coffee, only to have the attendant behind the counter ask "anything else?"

"No," he replied. But, rounding the turn into his driveway, he remembered that his garage remote was dead. He had full well intended to pick up batteries at the store, but he had answered "no" just like a script.

But that is the key, it was a script. When the attendant asked him if he needed anything else, "no" just slipped out, and felt just right. That's because the closing question the sales person used was not just a sales close, but a dead-end question as well.

The thing we must remember as "Sales Professionals" is that it is often easier to refuse to think, than to go to the bother of breaking out our mental list of needs and wants.

Here are some other dead-end questions that we commonly use (and their script responses)...

1. "Do you have a minute to talk to me?" (No, I was just on my way out...)

2. "Any questions?" (No, I'll ask if I think of one...)

When used over the phone, such dead-end questions inform the listener that it is time for the call to end, and be sure that they will take the opportunity to do so.

Instead, let them tell you when the call is over. Remember, the only good way for a call to end is for the contact to close with a smile.

Help the contact by asking specific questions. Questions like:

1. What, "What is your check acceptance program currently?"

2. Which, "Which is more important to you, increasing sales or the lowest possible rate?"

Another way to help clarify your point is to tie your questions back into previous choices or statements. "You said you were frustrated when your prior check company refused to pay for that stop-payment check, would you like to be paid for those Stop-Payment checks, PLUS Interest and Bank Fees?"

By working off the previous choices, you avoid "auto-resistance" and stay right on target to where the contact needs to be, namely acceptance.

Bottom line... When you keep from scripting your contact, you can keep them choosing, keep them nibbling, and keep them thinking until you reel-in that order.

Good Selling!SM

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