Future Insight
Future Insight
We have been telling you for months now that The Green Sheet is available for you perusal on the World Wide Web, and we have been literally overwhelmed (and pleased) by the onslaught of your insightful responses via E-mail. One reader from Texas stated:
"Everything we do now will be done differently in the future - so why don't you think on it." -
SMU Professor
We agree, and here was our response:
"Thanks for the note, and I must say I agree completely. If it were not for Technology you would not be writing to The Green Sheet On-Line. Great thinkers from Descartes to Jefferson to Captain Lou Albano have wrestled with the problem of how to get the masses to make rapid and radical changes. In the end we all learn the same thing: The only difference between a stumbling block and a stepping stone is the way we use it." -
Paul H. Green
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