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A Thing Five Benefits of Silence in Sales
Five Benefits of Silence in Sales

One of the best ways to learn about your prospect or customer is to use "Golden Silence". This is nothing more than using a pause at two points in your questioning: after you've asked the question, and after the listener has answered. Not just a brief pause, but a 2-3 second pause. Here are five of the benefits of this technique.

  1. You won't feel compelled to continue talking after asking the question if you force yourself to pause. People don't always immediately answer, and pausing gives them the opportunity to think a bit. Often if you keep talking, you will give up something that you don't really need to say or do.

  2. The number and length of responses will increase. People feel more comfortable when you give them time to frame their answers, which will likely be more comprehensive.
  3. The amount of unsolicited information will increase. By not jumping in immediately after they've answered, they're given a little more time to contemplate what they've just said. This may prompt additional comments. Since information is power, having the objections to "the sale" given to you may permit you to address them early on.

  4. You'll have more time to understand what they've said. Since you know you're going to pause, you can spend all of your listening time focused on the message, not on what you will say next.
  5. You will have more time to formulate your next comment. After the prospect or customer has finished their answer, pause again. You can use your pause time to develop your next question or statement. You'll posses more relevant information because you have previously taken the time to listen, and given the time to answer.

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