Matching StylesMatching Styles
We all know that in the real world of sales, we must work very hard to get the prospect to like us before we can talk to them about the service. You know how the old cliché goes, first sell yourself, then the product or service.
Selling yourself is, of course, one of the most difficult things to do if we are not carefully watching the prospect and listening to what is being said to us. Let's look at some examples:
Dominant Style
Dominant types are quick to give orders in a succinct manner. We must remember that this should not be considered rude; they just prefer getting to the point.
When we are given a no nonsense explanation of the need, we should in turn give a no nonsense response. Don't waste time before you get down to business. Small talk will not be appreciated, but recognition that time is important will be appreciated.
Example: "Ms. Jones it is clear to me that you have your facts at your finger tips, and would like for me to come directly to the point about what we can do for you."
Amiable or Steady Style
This style likes harmony and a team atmosphere. They love to hear "Win-Win scenarios," so be sure to build one for them.
This style prefers to get agreement before making a decision, so your early efforts at determining decision maker status are important.
This style will also enjoy recognition, such as a press release on the business agreements and, of course, a thank you letter.
Analytical Style
This style is looking for logical reasons why your company would be able to meet their needs. Decisions will be made on facts, not emotions.
You should remember that the lowest price is not the only thing that the "Analytical" will pay attention to, however, you must quantify the results of things like "more sales, fewer declines, No Fault Protection, or Bank Fees and Interest."
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