Knowing When To Close The Sale
Tom Hopkins
The actual closing of the sale is by far the most important step
in the selling process. I teach lots of techniques for prospecting,
meeting people, qualifying, presenting, demonstrating, overcoming
objections and they're all important. But, unless you can close,
you're like a football team that can't sustain a drive long enough to
So, welcome to the delightful world of closing. If you don't love
it now, learn to love it, because that's where the money is. The
biggest complaint I hear from most salespeople is that they don't
know when to start closing. Those people just don't understand the
simple fact that a true Champion salesperson is closing all the time.
He or she is constantly trying test closes and will go into the
final closing sequence anytime they sniff the sweet smell of success.
The problem with too many salespeople is they get so wrapped up in
their selling sequence that if the prospect wants it before they're
through, they won't let them have it. Believe it or not, there are
prospects out there that will get sold fast. If you keep talking
instead of closing, you'll run the risk of unselling them just as
To become a top professional in selling, you must always have your
closing materials with you. You must be ready to close anywhere and
at any time. I'm sure you've heard of sales being closed at lunch,
on the golf course or at the health club. The salespeople who closed
those sales and kept them, were ready when the client was. The
salespeople who soon after lost those sales didn't have their closing
materials and the client cooled off by the time they were ready to
take the order.
Why make things so hard on yourself? A supply of closing
materials should take up permanent residence in your briefcase, club
locker, car trunk and office desk. Keep these forms handy anywhere
you go.
Careful thought must be given to the how and when you'll produce
these closing materials. Many prospects will tighten up and try to
change gears if they see you pulling out forms. Don't risk upsetting
the emotional balance that's tipped in your favor. Keep a clean,
crisp form under just a few pages of your presentation binder,
notebook or time planner, at all times. It will be easily accessible
and not require a lot of motion on your part to get it out. Nothing
should distract your attention from the client's every word or
movement when you can see that they're ready to close. If at all
possible, get into the habit of writing brief notes during every
presentation, then, your prospect will get used to seeing you writing
and not be put off when you begin writing on the actual agreement.
This material has been reprinted with permission of Tom Hopkins
International, Inc. For more information on these and other sales
training materials write: Tom Hopkins International, P.O. Box 1969,
Scottsdale, AZ 85252.
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