Motivating You!
Keeping yourself motivated can be your most challenging job. Here
are some tips for re-charging you!
Establish a support group. Whether it's your office mates
or e-mail pals, connect yourself with other sales professionals you
can rely on for assistance, counsel, and critique. With cellular
phones, the Internet, and faxes even the most isolated salesperson
can establish a "team." I know of two people who called each other
each morning at 6:45 to recite a motivational poem. It took 1 minute
out of their morning and set the tone for the entire day.
Turn the radio off! Listening to the radio in the morning
is a sure way to bring yourself down. The mornings are filled with
bad news you can't change, and if something really important happens
you'll find out about it soon enough. Instead, use your commute time
to listen to motivating tapes and positive messages. Most video
rental businesses and libraries have a selection of audio tapes you
can rent or borrow. Try listening to Tom Hopkins, Zig Ziglar, Og
Mandino, Robert Schuller or even Shirley MacLaine to start your
morning on an upbeat note.
Keep your perspective! In 100 years, will anyone remember?
The botched presentations, missed appointments, customer problems,
and innumerable business stresses really aren't the end of the world.
Remember to take a moment to look at the big picture and today's
small place in it. Don't let the challenges you face become bigger
than they actually are.
Take a break! Get outside at least once a day. Taking a
lunch break is actually more productive than working through lunch.
Give your mind a break and gain a fresh perspective.
Review your goals and rewards! If your idea of success is a
cherry 1967 Mustang, put a picture of one on your desk or bathroom
mirror. List your short-term and long-term goals, and post this list
by your desk with the heading "I Will!" As you review the list
visualize yourself as having attained your goals. Plan your day with
these goals in mind. If the task in front of you doesn't lead to one
of your goals, don't go there-perhaps someone else needs that job.
Use those post-its! Leave yourself little "at-a-boys." "I
sold five accounts today!" "My residual income increased today."
"Happiness is a positive cash flow!" "25 days 'til Mexico!" Be sure
to leave yourself notes on Friday afternoon to find on Monday
morning-they'll probably surprise you!
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