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Close Encounter Of The Selling Kind

Tom Hopkins


How many of the salespeople in your office lie around the office like beached whales most of the time? I'm talking about the ones who say things like, "Who should I call on?" "What should I do today?" "Oh, I hope some hot buyers walk in soon." "I wish the company would give me more leads." "Our advertising is a joke. How am I supposed to meet people if we don't have good advertising? Nobody calls us from our ads." "I don't know what to do."


It's sad, but the average salesperson doesn't really believe that people are the key to every door in selling. He says, "It's all in who you know," without realizing that most people are knowable-if he'll just take the trouble to contact them.


Get on the phone. Get in your car, and go out to the places where the people are who need your product or service. If you don't know the specific person to call on, use your phone or your legs to find out from the people in the world outside your office. After one of my high-intensity three-day selling seminars, I was emotionally and physically exhausted. As the last of the audience was leaving the room, a gentleman in his 60's came up and said that he'd been in sales nearly 40 years. I had noticed him taking copious notes during the seminar and I was impressed that anyone with extensive background would be eager enough to learn new things to come to my training session.


"I enjoyed your seminar very much, Mr. Hopkins. However, you could have shortened it," he said.


"Was it too long?"


"Not at all. I learned a lot. But, in two minutes flat you can give your next audience a secret that will guarantee their success." He spread his arms wide. "After pouring 40 years into this business, I know the secret of selling success."


"Just a minute," I said, "You know THE secret? Now look, my life is devoted to helping salespeople. Please, share this secret with me."


"Tom, that's exactly what I'm going to do," he said. He walked over to the board, picked up a felt-tipped marker and drew this figure:



"There it is, Tom."


I stared at his drawing. Then I looked around, hoping I wasn't alone with this man. I was. Putting on a friendly smile, I said, "So, that's the big secret, eh?"


"Exactly. Every month you talk to thousands of individuals who are struggling to make good in sales, don't you?"


"Yes, but a large percentage are already doing anywhere from good to great. They come to my seminars because they want to become even greater."


"Right. I'm in that category, and you've got a truckload of splendid techniques to help us. But the thing is, techniques count for nothing if they're not used. Tom, it you can get this one point across, you'll achieve your goal of helping everyone who hears you to become a success in sales."


"Yes, but..."


He lifted a finger. "Tom, if you can motivate salespeople to use my secret, they'll overcome every obstacle to earning big money." His hands flourished. "The secret is: See 20 people belly-to-belly every day. Get them to do that and they can't fail."


And, you know, he's right. All my years in selling convinced me of it Never have I heard a formula for success that beats his for truth, simplicity, and practicality. The way to make more money is to see more people.


This material has been reprinted with permission of Tom Hopkins International, Inc. For more information on these and other sales training materials write: Tom Hopkins International, PO Box 1969, Scottsdale, AZ 85252.



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