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A Thing Goals

Have You Written Down Your Goals?


You've heard it a million times, "Write down your goals." If you had a dime for every time someone said that, you wouldn't need to write them down, they'd be actualized!

So, why haven't you done it? It really does work. Dreaming about selling that big auto dealership and committing to the sale are two entirely different things. Some of the keys to setting and meeting goals are:

1. Make your goals specific. If your goals aren't clear, how will you know when you've reached them? "I will sell the XYZ Car Dealership.


2. Make your goals attainable. If you don't see a goal as reasonable, it's not a serious goal, it's a fantasy. "I will sell the XYZ Dealership in three months."


3. Use motivating language. "In three months, I will succeed in proving to XYZ Dealership that I am the best for the company and I will have a signed contract."


4. Place your goals where you will see them daily.


5. Set mini-goals. Write these mini-goals on your daily calendar. Use specific numbers and dates. Make certain your mini-goals lead to your ultimate goal. Breaking them down will motivate you as your head toward your ultimate goal. "I will call XYZ this Wednesday. I will find the decision maker by Friday. I will speak with the decision maker by Tuesday, the 14th. I will meet the decision maker by Friday the 24th."


6. Prioritize your goals so they make sense. If you know you need to cold call before you can schedule a meeting, make certain the cold call goals are before the prospecting calls.


7. Monitor yourself. If you don't achieve a goal, find out why and move on. Learn from your shortcomings, but don't dwell.


8. Share your goals. Involve your friends and family in your sales efforts. They'll motivate you to keep on track.


9. Be positive. Be sure to focus on your accomplishments and commend yourself for the goals you have achieved!


Good Selling!SM


Paul H. Green




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