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A Thing CASH

Choose Your Own Destiny

Life is full of choices. Here or To Go? Paper or Plastic? Smoking or non-smoking?

There are some other choices you make every day that you may not even know about. Did you choose to set-up five presentations this week? Did you choose to sell two accounts today?

These things aren't in your control, you say? Well, I say they are.

Successful people don't wear that lucky tie when calling on big accounts. They are people who are prepared, persistent, and positive. If you've been hoping for good fortune, it's not going to happen. You've got to make it happen.


Well, first you have to know what you want so, when you get it (and you will), you'll recognize it. Once you've figured what you want from your selling efforts, you just have to CASH in.

Be Creative. Break free from the rules and think creatively. Make an effort with each call to do something new, even if the old way works just fine.

Assume the unexpected. When it happens, it won't be such a shock.

Become a Sponge. Take every opportunity to learn. It will give you confidence in yourself and increase other's confidence in you. Spend the time you're not working doing things that are educational and fun. Listen to National Public Radio, read a new trade publication, leave a story on the Tales of Sales Experience hotline .

Say "Hello." Every person you meet is a opportunity. Always carry business cards, and don't forget the acquaintances you already have. Work to maintain and rekindle relationships with friends, co-workers and classmates. It can mean referrals and leads. Use your time in restaurants and stores to build rapport with employees and owners.

CASH in on your own potential and expect the best. Think that you can and you will!

Good Selling!SM

Paul H. Green



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