Smoky Mountain Technologies
There are other companies out there besides ICVERIFY finding new
ways to eliminate the "Dumb Gray Box," really!!!!
For instance, the North Carolina based Smoky Mountain
Technologies. Smoky Mountain's UPS software provides a solution for
small PC-based merchants. Smoky Mountain's UPA systems target stores
with three or more lanes who are finding that they need to move from
stand-alone payment terminals to integrated systems.
Smoky Mountain's Universal Payment Adapter (UPA) systems provide a
program for merchants who accept credit, debit, and check
transactions. UPA systems can be configured as a standalone or
integrated to cash register controllers or PC-based cash register
systems. Smoky Mountain stresses that the UPA systems have lower
costs and higher capabilities than comparable systems based on PCs.
For small stores, the UPA can handle all transactions using its
internal modem. For large/high volume stores that use different
payment processing services from various providers, (e.g. credit from
one processor, debit from another, and check verification/guarantee
from a third) the UPA can operate three modems simultaneously. The
links can be any mix of dial-up telephone, leased lines, ISDN, or
satellite links.
Credit/Debit Card Capabilities:
The UPA System communicates with any major processor to authorize
transactions. All approved transactions are logged at the UPA for
end-of-day reporting and settlement. Standalone systems using LAN
terminals such as Tranz 340s, can print reports and initiate batch
settlement at any terminal. Integrated systems can print reports and
settle using a key pad and printer attached to the UPA. End-of-day
settlement can be manual, or the system can automatically settle
itself at predetermined time(s) daily.
All transaction types (sale, return, void) are supported as are
all major peripherals (PIN pads, signature pads, printers) by LAN
terminal software from Smoky Mountain.
Check Capabilities:
The UPA communicates with all major check processors for check
verification and/or guarantee. MICR readers are supported by Smoky
Mountain's LAN terminal software and check truncation is just being
Check Authorization with Optional Hard Drive:
With the UPA's optional hard drive, many checks can be authorized
in-store, giving approvals in under one second. The hard drive can
hold a negative file, and can also track in-store velocity to decline
checks from customers that have exceeded limits, cumulative check
amounts, or cumulative cash back amounts. All check activity
(approved and declined) can be uploaded at the end of the day to a
central location, and updated negative files can be downloaded to the
stores. The system can hold over 10 million records.
PC Attachment Option:
While a PC is not required for any UPA system, a PC can be
attached to a UPA. This makes it possible to use the PC's hard drive
to store transactions as they are approved, and to use the PC's
display, keyboard, and printer to make it easy to print reports,
balance, and settle.
Smoky Mountain provides a special version of its Universal Payment
Software (UPS) to run on the UPA. As the name indicates, this
software is certified with all major processors for credit, debit,
and check transactions.
For more information about Smoky Mountain Technologies, call
770-471-4944 (West of the Mississippi) or 201-447-9091 (East of the
Mississippi) or visit them on the web at
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