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A Thing Dream

Dream Weaver

How many times a day do you think a merchant hears, "Increased Sales," or "More Savings?" You guessed it, they hear it from every sales professional and it probably tends to lose the effect after a while. Try to put a new spin on your presentations by focusing on how prospects can use those increased sales, savings, and time to help them achieve their goals and dreams.

To do that, ask about goals, both professional and personal. Find out how long they've been in business and why they chose that business. Ask where the business is in relation to the goals and dreams that were set at the beginning. Find out what the merchant has done that has helped get them where they are today. While you're at it, find out what projects have not worked. Once you have these answers you'll find out a lot about the prospect and what makes them and their business tick. You'll also find ways to position your service.

Armed with this information, you can now say, "This increase in profits can help you build that additional space you've been dreaming about." Or, "With the time this service saves, you can focus on the personalized care that you've been wanting to give your clients." Taking the benefits of your service and turning them into ways to actualize a personal dream can add extra value to your service, and to you in your role as a financial adviser.




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