Tick Tock
Do you know what you need to get done but there never seems to be
enough time to do it? Well, where is all the time going?
A simple way to find out is to monitor how you spend your time. As
you complete tasks, jot them down, along with the time it took to
complete them. It doesn't have to be fancy, or even detailed-just a
few notes on your daily planner, along with the start and stop time.
(By the way, if you don't have a planner-GET ONE!) alone will save
the time you normally spend searching for that scrap of paper or
telephone number.After a month or so, review your notes and see just how
much time you spend on common activities such as research,
appointments, and telephone calls.
Next, make a list of what you want to accomplish in the next week,
and fill in the time it takes to finish each assignment.
Finally, rank your tasks in order of importance. Now you can
arrange your day so that you can complete your high priority items
without running out of time or missing deadlines.
When you know what you have to do and how long it will take,
you're certain to win the race against the clock!
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