"You" can get You your Next Sale
Next time you practice your presentation, record yourself on
either audio or video. When finished, review the tape and note every
time you say "I" or "We." Wherever possible, replace those instances
with "You."
Instead of saying, "We offer a variety of Premium Services,"
replace it with, "You can benefit from Premium Approval, No Fault
Premium, and Multiple Check Premium. Which would you like to hear
about first?"
Or, instead of "We've been in the business for 15 years and we
know what companies like yours need," try "You're a competent
business professional-tell me what a business such as yours needs to
Rather than saying, "We are the only company in this industry to
offer programs customized for each merchant," how about saying, "If
you could pick and choose only the coverage you need, would you?"
Take the emphasis off yourself and focus your presentation on the
merchant and how your offering will work for him.
Good Selling!SM
Paul H. Green
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