Sales Professional Skills Test
How much do you really know about the Financial Services Industry?
Take this simple quiz to find out.
1. Name the top five Check Guarantee companies:
2. Name five companies who offer products which can complement
your current sales:
3. What do the following companies have in common: Camelot
Entertainment, Highland Superstores, Coleco Industries, Best
Products, Crazy Eddies, Ctech Resources?
4. Name an organization which is not a competitor today but could
be tomorrow:
5. Name three common reasons for price objections:
6. Name three significant technologies or events which have
changed the Financial Services Industry:
7. Name one thing you can do to make your job easier:
Answers to Skills Test
1. TeleCheck, CrossCheck, Equifax Check Services,
NPC Check Services, SCAN.
2. Any company listed in our Resource Guide!
3. They all took protection under the Federal Bankruptcy Act,
owing millions of dollars to their suppliers including bankcard
4. Your local bankcard bank as an owner of a Check Guarantee
product, your current Check provider mailing bankcard or debit
solicitations to your customers.
5. Fear, ignorance, lack of time, boredom.
6. ISDN lines, ECP, Internet, Debit Cards, Check Cards,
formation of the ETA (BSA)
7. Read magazines, search the Internet for competitors' Web
sites, write down your goals and carry them with you.
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