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A Thing SRII

Sales Resources, Part II

A few issues ago ("Sales Resources," 97:06:01) we told you about some organizations that can help you stay on top of your game and fine tune your selling and networking efforts. As an update, here is some information on two more associations we sought out: The Direct Selling Association (DSA) and The Multi-Level Marketing International Association (MLMIA).

The Direct Selling Association, founded in 1910, represents companies which manufacture and distribute goods and services sold directly to consumers. Currently, the association represents more than 140 companies.

Probably the most important thing to know about the DSA is that they have published a Code of Ethics which spells out the guidelines for companies and salespeople to follow when selling products, recruiting new salespeople, and working with sales professionals. This Code is the cornerstone of their commitment to ethical business practices.

For more information about becoming a member of The Direct Selling Association, call (202)293-5760 or visit the web site at

The Mutli-Level Marketing International Association is another non-profit association. This 12-year-old association works with local, state, and federal legislative and regulatory branches. Like the DSA, the MLMIA's goal is to improve credibility and professionalism within the industry.

Mutli-Level Marketing International Association maintains a database on all member companies and publishes a Supplier Resource Directory and a Corporate Directory. They also sponsor seminars, conferences, trade shows, publications, and offer discounts on conferences, books, and tapes.

There are three categories of Active Membership in the MLMIA: Corporate, Support and Independent. They also offer an Affiliate Membership.

To find out which member ship is right for you, call (714)622-0300 or visit

Good Selling!SM

Paul Green




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