Check Casher Legislation Considered
In the pages of The Green Sheet we've discussed the fact
that check cashers are resembling banks more and more every day. So,
in essence, they have to compete with banks. They also have to
compete with other establishments who cash checks, such as
convenience stores and liquor stores.
As many know, cashing checks and using money orders provides an
opportunity to launder money. Therefore, the Subcommittee on General
Oversight and Investigations is proposing rules that check cashers
feel unfairly signal out their industry.
According to Jerome Gagerman, speaking on behalf of the National
Check Cashers Association, all Money Service Businesses should be
required to register as check cashers. But, the Treasury doesn't want
to require registration for businesses who cash checks as
accommodation. They only want to require registration for businesses
with more than $50,000 in gross transactions.
But, as Gagerman points out, if there are certain locations that
don't have to be registered, they will have a competitive advantage
over check cashers. Moreover, criminals will know where to go to
avoid the IRS and law enforcement.
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